
by in Flow Measurement, Temperature Measurement, Wastewater

Measure Wastewater with Venturi Flow Meters and Industrial Differential Pressure Transmitters

To keep systems working correctly, Municipal wastewater treatment plants and industrial facilities treating wastewater need reliable and accurate flow measurements. Over a century, waste treatment plants have measured wastewater and sewage using Venturi Flow Meters with differential pressure indicators. Why? Because Venturi Flow Meters offers lifespan reliability that is unmatched by any other metering technology […]

by in Flow Measurement

Tek-Flux 1400B Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Meter-Low Cost, Flexible and Reliable Flow meter

One of the key advantages of the Tek-Flux 1400B Insertion-Style Electromagnetic meters is the ease of installation at a very attractive price. The insertion meters offer a convenient, low-cost answer for flow measurement for temporary or permanent installations. The time and cost associated with installing an inline mag meters may not always be a practical […]

by in Flow Measurement

Pulp and Paper Production!

Tek-Trol 1400A Electromagnetic Flow Meters used to measure starch water at a Paper Plant in upstate New York. In paper production, it is crucial to measure various additives to ensure product quality. In a Paper Mill, liquid additives: such as powdered products diluted in water, dyes, bleaches, and liquids with low conductivity and / or […]

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