
by in Tradeshow And Events

Tek-Trol enters CRWA Conference & Exhibition

Tek-Trol participates in 39th Annual Conference & Exhibition held at Colorado Rural Water Association on Feb 10 to 13, 2020. The Colorado Rural Water Association (CRWA) is a non-profit corporation pro­viding technical assistance and training to Colorado’s public and private water and wastewater systems. Tek-Trol, along with Applied Products Group, joined in the event at the Colorado […]

by in Flow Measurement

TEK-FLUX 1400B Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Meter Features

Tek-Trol’s Tek-Flux 1400B is an adjustable insertion flow meter featuring electromagnetic technology that accurately and reliably measures fluid velocity in addition to providing several continuous signal outputs. This series is specifically designed to offer superior performance paired with simple installation and use. Used for measuring all conductive liquids (> 5 μS/cm) with or without solids.e.g., […]

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