
by in Level Measurement

Depth Perception

Perception is Reality And the reality is Tek-trol’s submersible level transmitters utilize proven technology designed for continuous submersion in liquids such as water, waste water and many other nonhazardous liquids. These transmitters are designed for chemicals, lift stations, bore holes, rivers, wet wells, holding tanks, CSO and reservoir level monitoring as well as control applications. […]

by in Wastewater

Officially Published

Tek-Trol technology Solutions is pleased to announce that one of our white papers was published nationally! Our literature was picked up by Pumps and Systems Magazine for their September 2018 issue. It discusses various measurement processes of wastewater treatment. From intake to mechanical and biological treatments it gives a synopsis of what the process involves. A […]

by in Level Measurement

Product Spotlight: 4800 Series – Submersible Level Transmitters

Our newest member of the Tek-trol family is our 4800 series Submersible Level Transmitters are designed to provide accurate level measure in a variety of fluids and environments. Whether manufactured from rugged ceramic or stainless steel, our submersibles offer accurate and reliable level measurement in some of the harshest conditions. Let’s meet the family: 4800A – This […]

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