Voltage Range
The voltage is applied to the AC input terminals. The voltage fluctuation range is indicated in parentheses.
The voltage is applied to the AC input terminals. The voltage fluctuation range is indicated in parentheses.
A lighting unit that has a smoothing circuit and resistor. The unit lights the 24VDC LED lamp by applying 110 or 220 VAC/VDC directly to the lamp terminals.
A relay that detects when the voltage in an AC circuit reaches a preset voltage. There are two basic types of voltage relay operation: overvoltage detection and undervoltage detection. Voltage relays are used to detect rapid increases in voltages due to a generator failure, low voltages caused by power interruptions or short circuits, etc.
Wastewater is any water that has been affected by human use. Wastewater is “used water from any combination of domestic, industrial, commercial or agricultural activities, surface runoff or stormwater, and any sewer inflow or sewer infiltration”.
In cities where there are good sewage systems, the septic tank has been replaced with a temporary storage tank for wastewater from toilets and kitchens.
A standard unit of electrical power (1 watt = 1 amp at 1 volt). A watt is also a general unit of power. One watt = 1 joule per second.
Wet Bulb Temperature: The lowest temperature that can be obtained through the cooling effect of water evaporating into the atmosphere.
Any of various wireless components that realize the ultimate in wireless operation.
A device that sends and receives RS-232 data or serial binary data signals by wireless.
A device that sends and receives ON/OFF signals by wireless.
The condition is when the frequency is lower than the minimum output frequency.
Zero Temperature Coefficient: The maximum amount the output reading at zero pressure might deviate over the compensated temperature range. This error is typically expressed as a percentage of full scale output of reading. It can also be expressed as percentage of full scale per °C, °F or K e.g. ±0.02%FS/°C
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