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Arc welding

A group of welding procedures that fuse metal pieces by melting them together, using heat from an electric arc between an electrode and the work piece. The arc is caused by electrical current flowing though plasma consisting of ionized air molecules and metal ions. Material from the electrode is transferred to the work piece, and the electrode is consumed over time. Arc-welding processes are attractive because of their low capital and running costs.


Aspect object

Aspect Object technology, relates all plant data, the Aspects, to the specific plant assets, the Objects. This technology enables one-click navigation, efficient engineering, and the presentation of the right information in the right context to the right user. Different aspects enable every user to zoom in on the information they are interested in without having to cut through obstructive clutter to get to it


Asset management

Also referred to as industrial and plant asset management. Asset management systems collect and manage data on the condition and availability of major plant equipment in discrete and process manufacturing plants. This enables plant operators to plan maintenance schedules more effectively (condition-based maintenance), avoiding both unnecessary equipment inspections and unexpected breakdowns, which can cause expensive interruptions in production time. Computerized asset management systems gather data in real-time to ensure maximum production uptime and throughput, with a minimum of human interaction.

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