Glossary Archive | Tek-Trol



A particularly efficient method of electricity generation that diverts heat, produced as a by-product of the power generation process, to domestic and industrial heating systems. The heat is produced by combustion of fuel in the power station to create the steam that drives the generating turbines. It would otherwise be released to the atmosphere.


Concentrating solar power (CSP)

CSP is a technology that makes use of precisely oriented mirrors to concentrate sunlight onto receivers that convert the sun’s radiation into heat. The heat generated is used to produce steam, which runs a steam turbine, or powers a heat engine driving a generator. The thermal energy can also be stored in order to produce electricity at a later time.



An electrical conductor is any substance through which electrical current can flow. Since electrical current is a process involving the flow of electrons, how well a material conducts electricity depends on its atomic structure and chemical consistency. Conductivity also depends on how strong the bond is between electrons and the metallic ions with which they are associated. The weaker the bond, the better the conductor. All metals are conductors (copper is a particularly good one). Plastics are not good conductors but make good insulators. Semi-conductors are materials whose ability to conduct electricity can be controlled. Super-conductors, under special conditions, offer no electrical resistance, so electricity can flow indefinitely. More generally, a conductor refers to a material that can transmit electricity, heat or sound.



An electrical device, comprising a rectifier and inverter, used to alter the voltage and frequency of incoming alternating current in an electrical system. The term may also refer to inverters, rectifiers or frequency converters.

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