Making the Sensor set the sensitivity, thresholds, etc.
Rate often indicated as a percentage of the span per unit of temperature, indicating a relative change of a physical property when the temperature is changed. For the ambient operating temperature of a device, the amount of temperature change due to the ambient temperature deviating from the reference temperature causes changes in the physical properties of the device.
Temperature Compensation: The correction for the influence of temperature on a measurement
A Special I/O Unit that receives inputs directly from a thermocouple or resistance thermometer and performs advanced PID control (two degrees of freedom). Any of 3 outputs (open-collector, voltage, or current) is possible in two-loop control depending upon the model.
An active control to compare temperature input signals and provide output regulation to heating and or cooling process.
The tightening torque for terminal screws of switches when wire leads. In case of switches providing cables, may denote tension strength of the cable.
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