Valve-Control Model
A Temperature Controller that can perform position-proportional control. The Temperature Controller manipulates a control motor to control a valve, damper, or other device.
A Temperature Controller that can perform position-proportional control. The Temperature Controller manipulates a control motor to control a valve, damper, or other device.
Velocity Pressure (Dynamic Pressure): The pressure exerted by the velocity of a fluid. Can be measured by the difference between total and static pressure.
A function that enables displaying images output from video devices, such as video cameras or Vision Sensors, to be displayed on the PT by installing a Video Input Unit on the PT.
The input of video signals. Video Input is a port or jack is what receives a video signal from one device to another or video output source
Viscosity: The resistance of a fluid to flow when subjected to shear stress
Voltage (potential difference): The voltage between two points in an electrical circuit is a measure of the potential difference or the force, that is pushing electrons between these two points. It is analogous to water pressure in a water system. Voltage is measured in volts and is directly proportional to the current and resistance of a circuit: V=IR, where V = potential difference in volts, I = current in amperes (amps) and R = resistance in ohms. This is Ohm’s law.
The voltage is applied to the AC input terminals. The voltage fluctuation range is indicated in parentheses.
A lighting unit that has a smoothing circuit and resistor. The unit lights the 24VDC LED lamp by applying 110 or 220 VAC/VDC directly to the lamp terminals.
A relay that detects when the voltage in an AC circuit reaches a preset voltage. There are two basic types of voltage relay operation: overvoltage detection and undervoltage detection. Voltage relays are used to detect rapid increases in voltages due to a generator failure, low voltages caused by power interruptions or short circuits, etc.
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