Tek-DP 1611I Compact Orifice Flow Meter, the cutting-edge solution in orifice assembly technology. It guarantees precise and consistent measurements, whether you’re dealing with single-phase flow or steam flow. This compact flow meter offers the simplicity of easy installation and direct mounting to a DP transmitter, eliminating the need for additional tubes, fittings, or accessories. Plus, it features a smart, compact design adhering to ISO 5167 standards

Tek-Trol’s Compact Orifice Plates are masters of differential pressure production, making them perfect for measuring fluid flow rates in pipes. They seamlessly handle liquids, gases, and aprons, providing reliable performance every time. Designed and installed following the highest standards—AGA Report Number 3, ASME MFC 3M, and ISO 5167—these plates ensure top-notch accuracy and efficiency.

    22375 6362 6224 6120

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