Explosion-Proof Multivariable Transmitter

Tek-Bar 3800XA Explosion Proof Multivariable Transmitter

measurement instrumentation

Tek-Trol’s advanced Tek-Bar 3800XA Explosion Proof Multivariable Transmitter consists of multisensory and microprocessor technologies that are capable of measuring three separate process variables at the same time and provide the option of calculating the following values:

  • Mass flow for gases, steam, and liquids using dynamic
  • Standard volume flow for gases using dynamic compensation.
  • Heat flow for water and steam.
  • Drum water level and level measurement with density compensation of liquids.

Tek- Bar 3800XA Multivariable Transmitter is a best-in-class design solution to obtain measurement combinations of different process variables, including DP (Differential Pressure), SP (Static Pressure), PT (Process Temperature), which compensated mass or volume flow rate and totalized flow for gases, steam, and liquids. They are measured by two integrated sensors and an external standard Pt100 resistance thermometer.

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