Wafer Style Orifice Plate


Tek-DP 1610H Wafer Style Orifice Plate is a complete package of flow metering. Tek-DP 1610H Orifice Plate is made up of stainless-steel material which is a true primary element for differential pressure measurements, and also consists of a unique holder and a ring containing metering taps and gaskets. Tek-DP 1610H Orifice Plate is specially designed for conventional flow applications and is cost-effective and highly efficient as used in other differential producers. The Tek-DP 1610H Orifice Plate is available in various line sizes (1/2″ to 24″), and meet ASME, AGA, and ISO Standards. Installation is achieved by slipping the self-centering unit between standard 150# flanges.

The Tek-DP 1610H Wafer Style Orifice Plate is mostly used for gases, liquids, corrosive, and high-temperature fluids. The Wafer Style Orifice Plate is available with various bore styles including concentric, eccentric, segmental, quadrant edge, multiple Bore. The solid state PVC construction orifice plate eliminates the resting and plugging of the sensing port. The Tek-DP 1610H Wafer Style Orifice Plate is available without bevel, which accommodate bi-directional flow. It ensures accuracy while eliminating inside diameter of pipe. Simple orifice device is available for cast iron piping without welding. This device eliminates potential flange rating mismatches and does not need any additional centering device. It is ideal for lightweight duct measurement. The proven technology is widely used in energy efficiency applications along with, low viscosity fluids, gasses containing liquids, and limited pipe runs applications.

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